PokeLyrics Archive - Lengendary Or A Myth? (Song)

Pokemon can be rare. Do you know if they'er really there?
You can't believe what people say. When you try to find Pokemon they always go away...
The legendary Pokemon, maybe they're real. Or are they fake as a deal?
You got to believe me... They have to be out there for you to see...
Suicune the strongest legendary dog?!?! Or is it just a fog...
Mew is it true. More rarer than a red Pikachu.

Different types whereever you go... You can't believe no one until you really know...
Time to search. What is it really worth?
Maybe you'll find them maybe you won't. You might of been wasting your time
until this very point...
Are they really rare. Or can you find 'em almost anywhere?
Time is moving so fast... Pokemon won't last...

By: Dark Zero